Happy 2012! <3

Jan 01, 2012 15:30

Wishing everyone a very happy new year~!

I actually stayed up very late last night, which is rare for me- of all nights, I can never stay awake on New Year's Eve. Pretty sad, I know, but I always drop off and then someone wakes me up a little before midnight. This time around, though, I had a very busy New Year's Eve night, and I was up until 4am... so, I am barely (if at all) functional today. Hooray~

What was I doing, you ask? Well... My musical group/ensemble/band (8D)/whateveryouwannacallit got to perform at a rather large New Year's festival. We had to play three sets, an hour long each, and the last one started at 10:30pm xD; Our audience was sleepy~ And then of course, after that, we had to tear down all of our equipment and then drive home, which was a 2-hr long drive. Not too awful, but we were all zombies. We had started driving at 3pm, so it was busy busy~ It was a very good turnout, though, and people really enjoyed it. ^^ We got three standing ovations~! Even the sleepy crowd got to their feet, and that was really nice.

So... I played my viola a looot~ but it was very fun! We were around to watch a mini-ball-drop since we were near the city center, and there was a fireworks show after. Very very pretty~! It was a lot bigger than I expected it to be, really impressive.

On the way home, we had to make a coffee stop of course xD We actually stopped at a little gas station/convenience store about halfway home. yay for gas station coffee I opted for a bottled one (tasted like Starbucks, lovely~) as opposed to the fountain...much better! >< I drank the whole thing within about twenty minutes, and yet, I still feel asleep shortly after that. (I think I should note here, in case it was unclear, that I was not driving xD; Driver remained awake the whole time!) By the time we got home I was awake again, and of course I had to recount the entire experience to my father, who had stayed home. By then, it was 4am... and here I am. xD

All in all, it was a great concert and generally fun times. I hope everyone had a good New Year's experience too! ^^ Be it partying, watching the ball drop, sleeping~... yeah!

It's the year of the dragon... hmm~ I wonder what that means? Means we get a new doodle from Leader, which was very cute. Shows off his crazy-awesometastic coloring skills as well! It's here, translated by the wonderful nanani!

Happy New Year, everyone! Let's make it a good one, okey~?

~ Marie Ciel <3

general : new year, marie : stories/rambling, marie : it's marie's life wheeeeee~

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