I'm Back!!

Dec 09, 2011 18:44

Hey there!

I'm not sure how long it's been since I've last posted... ehh~ a while! A complicated series of events has kept me away from my beloved internets, though I have been keeping up with all the L'Arc excitement, at least! ^^

So... my life. Hmm. I'm not that cool! I was sick around Thanksgiving (It may have been flu, but we're not sure. Obviously I'm over it now... it was just major suckage.) and then I had a BIG BIG concert to play in, rehearsing for which absorbed a lot of time. After that, I had to catch up on all the things I didn't do as a result of rehearsing for aforesaid BIG BIG concert... and now I'm here! Phew~ I've finally caught up on everything!

Lately I've been working on a few icons here and there, but not much of that as of yet. I've been writing more fic (a whole crap-ton of it, in fact) so hopefully I'll be able to put up some of that soon~ I should be putting up one L'Arc fic later tonight! I'm very excited to share it; proud of how it turned out. ^^

Aside from that... L'ARC NEWS. Need I even express my opinion on it all? I'm flipping out... ^^ I mean, TWO new albums soon?! A PUNK album!! KYAA!! And now there's a little preview of the L'Acoustic My Dear, and it sounds MUCH better than I'm So Happy. It sounds very gorgeous. Only L'Arc could take an already touching song and make it even more beautiful. <3
CHASE now has a live version! I watched the whole thing, including the performance of Honey before it. I like the new harmony bits they added in there, it's nice. It's just so great to see so much of the boys again! I feel all spoiled, with all the L'Arc-ness that's been going on lately. The boys are busy busy! And we're so thankful for it too~
Okay-- I have to say it-- on the Best Artist special, when they played CHASE and Honey, they all look so good... I mean, come on! Leader's just standing there, radiating vast quantities of cuteness to a degree that's illegal some countries! <3 Even Princess didn't look that bad. I guess I'm getting used to the cornrows? Wh-whaaat~?!

Okay. Gushing over. ^^b

One more thing now--
Now I know some people have been posting their Xmas LJ wishlists, and be warned, I do mean to fulfill some of those wishes~...
I'd like to say, if you have any specific requests for presents, PLEASE tell me! I'd be happy to oblige! I love giving people presents~ I'll make icons and/or banners, and I'll also write fic depending on the fandom, and particularly, the pairing.
All that said, send your requests my way and I'll do my best to fulfill them! Happy holidays. <3

✰Hurry Xmas, right everybody~?✰

~ Marie Ciel <3

marie : announcement, general : xmas, marie : it's marie's life wheeeeee~

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