My rainbow <3

Oct 12, 2011 05:55

Hey there~ This is random and I can't sleep, so... here I am. :D

So I found a "what color is your rainbow" quiz, and I was curious as to what I would get... tetsuowl got (perfect) blue, so I had to see mine! Plus I have a short attention span and just enjoy taking quizzes. ^.^

Your rainbow is intensely shaded blue, pink, and white.

What is says about you: You are a tranquil person. You appreciate everyone around you. You are a good listener and your friends are glad to have you around in difficult times. People depend on you to make them feel secure.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

I'm glad to hear I'm reassuring~ ^^

Now, my rainbow is "intensely shaded" blue, pink and white...
Hmm... What do I feel "intensely" about?
Perfect blue...
White out (memory of a color)...
and pink~

Ah, quizzes can read me far too easily. <3

Until later!

~ Marie Ciel <3

Magical EDIT: I just took another one that is meant to be entirely random and useless... the questions and answers were completely random and nonsensical. And yet, my supposedly equally ridiculous and non-applicable result happened to be "attack banana".
Freaky. ^^

general : rainbow, marie : stories/rambling, general : quiz, marie : it's marie's life wheeeeee~

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