We were yesing too hard

Jan 05, 2010 08:48

well, i must say that this year is off to a pretty good start. we spent new years with friends and ate more sweets than was really a good idea. LaDora made homemade twix bars, and damn, those were good. Then i convinced Jared to dye my hair for me, which turned out well. Then for my birthday,I got it cut and a new style. Everyone had been telling me how much better my hair looks short, plus it was so long that it started to look odd because of all the post-partum hair loss i had. Added bonus is that it's harder for Liam to grab it.
For my actual birthday celebration, LaDora threw me a party with cake and pretty much everyone that i know here showed up. It was really awesome. I haven't had that good a birthday in several years. Then all us lady folk headed out and had some drinkies at a japanese karaoke bar. I tried to sing avenged sevenfold, which it turns out, i can't. and Jared watched Liam for much of the next day, due to my hangover. Yeah, my drinking powers are severely broken. Which is fine, I guess. Plus, he cooked steak and eggs for me.
And Liam is drinking from a sippy cup! how cute! AND he's almost in size 3 diapers. SIZE 3!!! he's going to grow up so fast, the little stinker! I kinda don't want him to do this so quickly.
So yup, 2010, you're looking pretty fine. I don't know if I'll make a resolution, but if i were to, i think it would be the tried and true lose the baby weight one. but i don't know what time frame to set and all. well, i'll just keep zumba-ing at home.
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