Baby sneezes and excitement over poo

Jun 30, 2009 10:34

Liam's almost a week old. Tomorrow will be his week-iversary. It already seems to be flying by. Especially after leaving the hospital. Granted, i haven't been getting much sleep. I can't. I have to feed him all the time, and somehow he started dictating the times when. So i'm guessing he's on stateside time, cause he wants to eat like crazy from 0300-0800, and that's when i want to sleep. boo.
but he's so cute! he sneezes all the time, and it's the most adorable thing ever. i actually look forward to them. it's also funny the things we're getting excited about. like his first poo. we waited about 5 days, the last on kind of nervously, for him to go #2. i feel like the fact that we were practically high fiving each other over a dirty diaper marks a big change in our life style. i guess it's all the odd little changes in myself i can already notice, like when we're driving with Liam in the car. Jared's a good driver, but i'm so nervous everytime we go out. i just want everyone else to be as careful as us, and they're not. it doesn't help that there are some seriously crazy drivers here in japan. very narrow roads and just some odd street set ups. it's just so strange to me still how all these changes in myself just instantly took place.
i think tomorrow we'll give him his first bath. oh, milestones, we're going through them all.

we rented the curious case of benjamin button. i really liked it, though it's probably not the best idea to watch it a few days post partum. i'm pretty much crying over anything sappy right now. haha, the best was while i was actually still in the hospital after delivery. i was watching TLC, and a baby story came on, so i watched it. there i am, crying over newborns after just birthing mine. good timing TLC, good timing. i also cried at the end of season 4 prison break. i won't spoil it, because everyone will probably enjoy this show and should watch it, but OMG!!! they so didn't need to end it like that. makes my heart hurt. next up, i hope to watch the new transformers movie and find some reason to bawl at that too. don't judge me.
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