East Attic: Mail Call, Monday afternoon

Dec 12, 2005 12:17

Rogue smiled as she opened the letter. Inside was a plane ticket from the local airport to Edmonton International, and a little note.


Here's your ticket. I'll pick you up at the airport. Don't forget anything, since we probably won't have it at the cabin.

Miss you,

Rogue slipped the tickets back into the envelope, and secreted it away in a drawer. She carefully folded the letter and shoved it in her pocket.

The other letter was postmarked Westchester, and the address was typed. It obviously wasn't her usual bi-weekly update from Alex.

Dear Rogue,

As you know, several of your classmates will be graduating and attending colleges out of the area very soon. The student body here is growing, and with the loss of Jean, and now the loss of our oldest class, there may not be enough adult figures to supervise them, and make them feel welcome here. Your experience is become less and less unusual, and I think you would be able to relate to these children better than some of our other students.

I know you are enjoying yourself in Fandom, and it truly hurts me to ask this. But I would very much appreciate if you would come back to Westchester to finish your education. This is by no means an ultimatum, but rather a request from an old teacher who needs a favor. These children could really use you, Rogue.

Please take a few days to consider your decision. Obviously, I want you to come back here, but I will support whatever decision you make, and will continue to fund your education, should you choose to stay in Fandom.

Charles Xavier

Rogue frowned as she reread the letter. Go home, back to Westchester? She was having a good time here, and had made some very good friends. She folded the letter and laid it on her bedside table, and sighed. Well, this just threw a wrench in things, didn't it?

letter_to_rogue, westchester, room, fh

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