Let them eat my rank :D

Jul 01, 2008 20:51


1. Name: Alex

2. Previously stamped as: Princesse de Lamballe


3. What are your ambitions in life?: To be happy, and succesful.  To be a mother, and to find my one true love :].  Also, to grad. highschool and college and have the career I've always wanted :]

4. What do you consider your top priorities in life?: Love, is my number one priority, and under that would fall my friends and family (in my case..my friends are more like my family then my actule family, so they would come before my family in most cases).  Also, happiness is a big priority, after love.  But, usually with love, comes happiness, so i supose that could go with the love priority lol

5. What is your dream job?: Psychologist

6. What are your strengths?: mm, I'm a caring person, and will always be there for someone.  I believe baking is one of my strengths haha and lets see what else..being able to explain exactly how I feel about something in a way I can get the other person to completly understand.  And, I'm always prepared lol

7. Are you interested in politics?: Not really, this election was really the first one I became more.."aware" of, but now that obama won over hillary I'm dont pay to much attention anymore because..either way, neither of the people running is who I believed should and could be our next president

8. How important is money to you?: Important, but love, friends, family, and happiness tromph it completly

9. How important is power to you?: I'm not a power hungry person. period.

10. How important is freedom in your job to you?: I dont want to be tied down in my job by my boss, but I still want alittle structure to base my performence off of

11. Do you prefer having a routine or doing everything spontaneously?: I want to have some sortof routine, but I dont want to be like a robot and do the same thing over and over again


12. Be Well-Known or Have Privacy: Have privacy
13. Work by Yourself or Work with Others: Work with others
14. Have One Steady Job or Have Various Temporary Jobs: One steady job
15. Liberal or Conservative: Liberal


rank: messenger

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