1. Name: M.
2. Nickname: I do believe M. is my nickname. It's about all I go by, though. :>
3. Birthday / Age / Zodiac Sign: 29th June, 1992 ; Sun sign: Cancer
4. Location: South Florida.
5. Three positive adjectives about yourself: Positive, charming, elegant
6. Three negative adjectives about yourself: Selfish, absent-minded, forgetful
7. Likes: Iced tea, fairy-tales, jazz music, tarot cards, hand-made jewelry, folk art, mary janes, vegetarian tamales, old books, carnivals, christmas lights, poetry slams, and lush gardens.
8. Dislikes: Disrespectful people, routine, being patronized.
9. Hobbies and/or Talents: Filmmaking, slow-dancing, writing, baking, wandering around Saturday morning farmers markets, lingering in coffee shops, reading, blasting the car radio.
10. Family or Money: Family.
11. Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic.
12. Courageous or Cowardly: Courageous.
13. Feminine or Masculine: Feminine.
14. Seductive or Innocent: Seductive but with innocent charms.
15. If you could ask Sofia Coppola one question, what would it be?: Where the inspiration came from for the movie. Sure, we all know the Rococo lifestyle was lavish and colorful, but Marie Antoinette went beyond that lifestyle and make it a work of art. It was absolutely stunning.
16. If you could ask Marie-Antoinette or Louis XVI one question, who would you pick and what would the question be?: I'd want to know how they really felt about their lifestyle. Whether they were truly enjoying the lavish life and simply did not care about the state of France, or if they were simply trying their hardest but they were still too young for that kind of responsibility.
17. What is your favourite quote from the movie?: Marie: This is ridiculous.
Comtesse de Noailles: This, Madame, is Versailles.
18. With what character do you identify the most and why?: I'm not sure if I really identify with anyone. I sympathize with Louis in all his timidness, but I cannot say for sure if I truly see myself as a whole in any of these characters.
19. Who is your favourite character and why?: Marie, of course. She's really quite dazzling, playing both the innocent and the perpetrator, holding the most beautiful of parties, carving her own path in the world. She is simply Marie and nothing more.
20. If you were in Marie-Antoinette & Louis XVI's position, how do you think you would try to handle the situation (just before the actual start of the Revolution)?: I think that's a debate for the historians. There was so much going wrong in France before the Revolution that I don't think anything would have made a difference. The damage was already done, and the Revolution was very much needed.