1. Name: Ana Luiza
2. Previously stamped as: Madame Du Barry
3. What traits do you look for in a friend?: loyalty, sense of humor, similar interests, listen to my problems
4. What traits do you find annoying?: vanity, competition, laziness
5. What traits do you find unacceptable?: controlling me, ignoring me, cruelty
6. What traits/hobbies would you want to share with your friend?: go to the movies, just chat, doing crosswords, listening to music
7. Do you get along better with guys or with girls?: girls
8. Who is/are your best friend/s?: my friends at school. Patty and Gabriela
9. Why are they your best friend/s?: They make me laugh and I feel very comfortable with them.
10. Anything else you would like to add that you think we should know when choosing your Versailles best friend?: just thanks for voting ♥!
no pics available, sorry!
But fear not! I'm tall, dark-brown hair and brown eyes with pale skin. (History buffs, I look like Catherine Parr!)