Stamped as Louis XVI:: Item theme

Aug 04, 2008 08:07


1. Name: audrey

2. Previously stamped as: Louis XVI
Count Fersen
United Kingdom
Coronation Gown
Hangover Scene
Aunt Victoire


3. What is your favourite posession? Why?: A mix between my sewing machine and my iPod, but since the latter recently died (sob), I'll go with my sewing machine,

4. What is your favourite movie (apart from Marie Antoinette) and what is your favourite prop used in that movie? Why?: Zefferelli's Romeo and Juliet. My favorite prop...? I don't know, all the costumes!

5. What is your favourite television show and what is your favourite prop used in that show? Why?: The Daily Show. There aren't really props... but I miss the couch!

6. If you were the hero in a movie, what would be your prop of choice?:
A justice belt of some sorts. ahah

7. If you were the villain in a movie, what would be your prop of choice?:
a wicked cape

8. What is the one thing you most want to do in your life?:

9. If you could change one aspect about yourself or your life, what would it be?:
Having more spending money

10. What material item do you want most right now?:
a new iPod
11. What abstract thing do you want most right now?:
to not have to go to work

12. If you could have anything in the world right now, be it material or abstract, what would you choose?:
A lifetime supply of any fabric I want for free

not this time

item: the queen's shoes

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