home again home again jiggedy jig

Jul 02, 2007 23:21

Well, after two hard days travel with a pretty screamy baby, I got home to VA on Friday.  Sat around Saturday recuperating, and Sunday was the Lord's Lazy Day (come on.  A God who planned a lazy day for you.  How good is that?) and Monday I actually Got Some Stuff Done.

Mostly just cleaning and unpacking, but it got done.  Then I did loads of laundry with Jay and we hit Walmart, where I still forgot to look at the price of shower curtains.  My scotch ancestry screams "no!  no!  Don't buy new ones!  Just wash the old ones in bleach!"  But they ARE two years old.  But new curtains can cost $15...dammit.  I'm washing them, aren't I?

At least I bought a new toilet seat.  The old one...kinda imploded on itself.  I returned home to find that it had developed a mold-rash-thing, which was just too icky to sit on.  Or near.  So I needed a new one.  I returned the fan that didn't work--I had returned it once already, crappy workmanship--but I think we shall survive.

People seem to like my short hair.  It's actually not as short as I wanted it, having not found a stylist with a schedule that I could meet in New Hampshire.  It's about shoulder length, and longer in the front.  If I do say so, I did a nifty job of it.

I'm trying to figure out a way to rearrange my living room so that I can fit in a playpen without removing any furniture and still keep it a nice room.  I think the papasan chair may have to go.  But where?  Anyone want to buy a papasan chair cheap?  Make an offer.  I might be able to deliver in VA.

And I have too many books.  I need to get rid of some of them.  Is there any charity that, I dunno, gives libraries to poor countries in Africa that I can give all my old textbooks to?  Otherwise I don't know what I'll do with them all.  I need to clear the bottom shelves in an attempt to baby-proof.  Oh it'll never work.  Once that kid starts crawling it's going to be a disaster.

Oh, and it looks like I will certainly certainly be keeping my regular old position at work, starting in August!  Hooray for knowing!   I'm glad I finally made the right choice, and will be attending seminary in 08.  Good for me.

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