Inspired by my recent conversation with
happy_daze about
this song and wanting to read a fic based on it, I ended up writing one myself. *shrugs* I've been listening to my Star Wars filks again too, and they're fun. I love "Max Rebo Band" (to the tune of Piano Man). Hey
dupton, if you like Star Wars at all I should try to figure out how to send that MP3 to you for your current quest. It's fabulous. Will work on ficathon fic and discuss personal rants later, promise. (Or is that a threat? *wink*) On with the drabble:
Can't get you off of my mind
A/N: I'm amused that I managed to work all three of my primary ships into something that short. No editing or betaing, though, so read at your own risk. *glomps* And obviously, I didn't write the song Harry sang. Comments and constructive criticisims welcomed; flames ignored.
It started off as a typical morning. Roll out of bed, throw a pillow at Ron to get him up, pull on the robes Dobby'd left neatly pressed for him, and then head downstairs to breakfast. There they met Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna, who were already discussing their plans for the Hogsmeade day that lay before them. Visits to Honeydukes, Dervish and Banges, and Zonko's were all in order, of course. Ginny teased Ron and Luna about slipping off to Madame Puddifoot's again, but finally quit when her brother's face was indistinguishable from his hair. Hermione said she needed to run by the post office so she'd skip Zonko's and meet them at Three Broomsticks.
The plan was carried off, mostly. It was only at the Three Broomsticks that things got... unpredictable. He remembered laughing a lot, which wasn't unusual, but he had no idea how he ended up on the counter in front of Madame Rosmerta. The eyes of the entire pub should have stopped him, but his inhibitions were lowered, to say the least. Before he stopped to consider the possible consequences he heard himself belting out something he was reading from a napkin in front of him, loudly and very off-key:
I used to think that Cho Chang was the one
Who was the object of my desire ,
But now I know, my dear, you're the one
Who makes my heart into a Goblet of Fire....
Hermione Granger, I love you,
I can't keep you off of my mind.
Climb on the back of my Firebolt Broomstick;
We'll leave Hogwarts far behind, far behind....
Thankfully, at that point Neville pulled him off the counter and his impromptu concert was cut short. Decent of him, since the poetic lyrics were probably the work of his girlfriend. They somehow recalled her previous rhymes: "blackboard/Dark Lord." Neville dragged Harry back over to their booth as it began to occur to him that he'd just declared his private feelings for his best friend in the middle of the entire student population of Hogwarts. The blood rushed to his face and he began hyperventalating as his ears finally tuned in the laughter and his eyes registered on the stricken face of Hermione, whose complection most resembled Myrtle's.
Harry's panic attack was cut short by a familiar voice, "Harry? You were thrashing again and crying, "No, please, no!" Was it the one about being naked in Potions again?"
"Hmm?!?" he asked, blinking confusedly as he took in his wife's bemused face.
"You were dreaming, Harry," Hermione explained with the same patient tone she'd used in bygone days for explaining History of Magic homework.