Oct 15, 2011 10:30
So I stopped coming to livejournal altogether for a couple of months there... I don't know why. I guess I felt like I was too busy and LJ took up time because I always end up browsing around communities and such for hours? IDK.
Back now, though, to make comments on yo' entries and clog up yo' friends page.
What's going on right now: Got a transfer to a store closer to home, and still trying to get full-time. :X I feel like I'm fighting a steep, steep uphill battle there. Like 90 degrees. But I have not given up hope yet, and my hours are at least really really good for a part-timer. If I do eventually get full-time, the first thing I'm doing is replacing my old bed that's falling to pieces. Then, I'm scheduling a dentist appointment (sedation only plz). Finally, I will get a dog. :3 Preferably one who is good with other animals because I want there to be more dogs in the future, and James wants a cat. Anyway...
I'm terrified of getting sick right now. My roommate has strep throat and I am scalding my skin in an attempt to kill all germs, as well as eating raw garlic cloves, chugging vitamin c, and taking acidophilus. If my roommate gives me strep throat, I will beat him. SERIOUSLY.
And that's about everything from the last two months. My life is so exciting, right? :P