Anyone who's ever played Animal Crossing should read this: The person who made it is amazing. And even if you haven't played Animal Crossing, it is still amusing.
I've also been watching Darkwing Duck while I pack. It is every bit as wonderful as I remember. I'm also pretty sure that I wanted to be Gosalyn back when I was nine.
My wall looks bare without my bulletin board. :( Three days until I'm in Baltimore! SO CLOSE! >_< There will be fun times before I leave, though. Tomorrow I'm going out for vegan brunch with Liz and Aurora (I am excite!) and possibly Momofuku Milk Bar, possibly Pinkberry, possibly both. Then that night the Juicers are sleeping over, and on Saturday we're going out for Dim Sum! I got the majority of my packing taken care of, as most of my stuff will be remaining in the bags they've been in all this time for the move. Just need to clear out behind the bed/behind the dresser, finish up packing my clothes, and finish packing up the kitchen. Dad's also bringing a big storage container in case I need it on Sunday. Then around 9ish we're hitting the road for Maryland! Is it bad that I'm looking forward to getting free food from my dad during the trip? I'm already planning out the places I want to eat, because I'm a horrible daughter. I guess it's okay, I'll probably be the one taking care of him when he goes senile. My older brother's coming, too (watch out Clarice! :P) It's very nice of him, but it'll be, uhm... Interesting. My mom's sitting this one out, thank God. If she was coming I might have had to pack a gun (for myself).
BTW the living room has an echo. I keep snapping my fingers to listen to it.
BWAAHHH I'm already at the point where I can't wait for it all to be over. SO CLOSE.
P.S. - To clear out the freezer a little I made turkey cutlets and spaghetti tonight. DELICIOUS YES. And for the first time ever, I made my own cutlets-- as in, bought the breast meat, de-boned it, butterflied it, and pounded it flat all myself. ACCOMPLISHMENT! Now I'm kinda in the mood for a hot dog.