I stole this from the always lovely
Mrsdrjackson Five favorite (or most memorable) lines of dialogue.
1. The first one is in spanish, because that's how I remember it better.
"Te amo, Te amo y siempre te amare. Perdoname Minmei pero quizas no vuelva a verlo jamas y tenia que decirselo" Lisa Hayes, Robotech
2. "Bright Shinny futures are overrated" Lee Adama, BSG
3. Scully :Why did they assign me to you in the first place, Mulder? To debunk your work, to rein you in, to shut you down...
Mulder: But you saved me! As difficult and as frustrating as it's been sometimes, your goddamned strict rationalism and science have saved me a thousand times over! You've kept me honest. You've made me a whole person. I owe you everything... Scully, and you owe me nothing. I don't know if I wanna do this alone. I don't even know if I can. And if I quit now, they win.
Mulder and Scully, X files fight the future.
4. Another on spanish "Tienes que pestañear asi, y tienes que poner la trompita asiiii" Sebastian, the Crab from Little Mermaid.
5. "You beat death, Arvin. But you couldn't beat me," Jack Bristow. Alias
and 2 more just because I love the scenes
Lee Adama: You were just bored, looking for something to do. So frakking the Vice President
of the Colonies seemed like a great waste of time!
Kara Thrace: Do you want something from me?
Lee Adama: Not a thing-
Kara Thrace: -because I don't owe you anything.
Lee Adama: No, you don't owe me anything. because I'm just a CAG, and you're just a
pilot. A pilot who can't keep her pants on! Oh, it's just like old times, Kara. Like
when you got drunk and you couldn't keep your hands off the major-
(Kara turns around and swings a punch at Lee, but Lee returns the favor by punching Kara in
the eye)
Lee&Kara, BSG
Fox Mulder: I can feel you thinking.
Dana Scully: Sorry. I can't sleep.
Fox Mulder: Actually, I have a little something for that.
Dana Scully: Just a little something?
Fox Mulder: Thank you.
Dana Scully: Ugh, scratchy beard!
Mulder&Scully, X files the movie2, I want to believe