Sep 12, 2005 16:22
s0mething happens when y0u l00k at me I f0rget t0 speak s0mething happens when you kiss my m0uth my knees get s0 weak c0uld this be true this is what g0d has meant f0r me cause baby I cant believe that s0mething like you c0ld happen t0 me
.. It think that I might be getting a tatoo this weekend. If I don't chicken out!
.. I'm going to the movies tonight with h0llyw00d I'm so excited!
.. I love him so much!
.. Work has been hectic this past week, but I think that I should have a good pay check coming ing which is a plus...
.. High school isn't anything but drama it kills me sometimes..
.. I got my Senior Pictures the other day... I guess I was pleased with most of them!
.. Were also doing our senior wills and all this stuff is going on for the seniors its kinda making me sad!
I guess I'll update when I have the time!