Dec 12, 2005 14:17
Section One: About Yourself
1. Name: Vanna Marie Maxa
2. Nicknames: V Marie, V., Veever, Wingnut, Baby, Shorty, yellow pepper
3. Feet size: 8-9 depends on the shoe
4. Do you have a crush: more than a crush
5. Girlfriend/Boyfriend? yes, you could call him that
6. Age you act: depends on the day, my mood and the situtaion
7. Where Do You Live: norfolk, VA
8. Where you want to live: not really sure yet.... back home, by the beach, in the country, NY, Michigan, haven't made up my mind yet
9. Birthplace: cypress, TX
10. Favorite Salad Dressing: ranch
11. Ever gone skinny dipping? not completely
12. What are you watching? nothing
13. Last person you talked to: my daddy
14. Favorite movie: so many.... Sweet Home Alabama, Top Gun, Identity, Pretty Woman, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, etc.
15. Favorite Book: Lovely Bones, Tell Me Lies, Mary Higgins Clark novels
16. Favorite Type of music: anything really, depends on my mood!
17. Favorite types of cars: Cute ones, and trucks!
18. Favorite Saying: there ya go
19. Favorite Fast Food: McDonalds, Sonic, Taco Bell
20. Favorite Ice Cream: chocolate chip cookie dough & starbucks java chip
21. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: toasted almonds, shots of jameson, southern comfort, bud light, margaritas
22. When Do You Go To Sleep: when i get there
23. Most Embarrassing Moment: i embarrass myself all the time!
24. Stupidest Person you know: mikey
25. Funniest Person you know: nathan, kristin, shawn
26. Favorite holiday: christmas
27. Favorite Food: cereal, ice cream, pasta
28. Favorite Song: at the moment- "photograph" nickelback, actually nickelback's new cd is amazing!
29. favorite Television Show: friends, csi, everybody loves raymond, beverly hills 90210, game shows
30. Favorite Radio Station: 97.3, 96.1
31. Favorite junk food: ice cream, oreos
32. Favorite sappy love song: i love love songs... can't pick just one!
33. Favorite Drink: water, green tea, sweet tea, diet pepsi
34. Favorite article of clothing: jeans, sweatpants, comfy hoody, whatever is comfy and warm right now works for me!
35. Favorite Animal: puppies, monkeys, squirrels
1. School: none yet
2. Where You Want To Live: i swear we already had this question
3. How Many Kids You Want: 4
4. What Kind Of Job You Want: one that i enjoy and pays well
5. Pets? pomeranian, yorkshire terrier, hamster
6. Car? black rx-8
7. 5 years from now? ill be 24, so married, with hopefully one child by then, good job
8. 10 years from now? ill be 29: better job or more advanced, and a couple more kids under my belt!
9.20 years from now? ill be 39: maybe a stay at home mom, all my kids accounted for, cute home!
SECTION THREE: Have You Ever...
1. Done Drugs: only prescription stuff.
2. Run Away From Home: no
3. hit somebody: yeah, but it was an accident and more of a slap
4. Lied: oh yes.
5. Stolen Anything: no
6. Broken A Bone: no
8. Cheated On A Girlfriend/Boyfriend: ..... way in the past
9. Gotten Drunk: yes
10. Been With Two guys/girls At Once: no
11. Been In The Hospital: not since i was 2
12. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yes
13. Fell asleep in the shower/bath: yeah, thats when you know you are either too tired or so relaxed!
14. Gone to Church: yes
15. Ever Slept During A Night: what?
16. Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: no, hate those things
17. Been to a camp: yeah.... tanglewood, mo ranch, lazy hills
18. Sat in a restaurant w/o ordering: yeah
19. Seen someone die: ive seen bad wrecks and life flight have to come, but never knew if they died
20. Gone a week w/out shaving: oh yeah
21. Didn't wash your hair for a week: negative
22. Broken something valuable: yeah, im a klutz
23. Thought you were in love: yes
24. Streaked the streets: nope
25. Screamed at someone for no reason: yeah
26. Said I love you and meant it: oh yeah
27. Been hurt by a guy/girl you loved: yeah
28. Stayed up till 4 am on the phone? yep
29. Pulled a Prank? yeah
30. Made fun of someone? yep
SECTION FOUR: Which Is Better...
1. Coke Or Pepsi: pepsi
2. Cats Or Dogs: dogs
3. DVDs or VHS: DVD
4. Deaf Or Blind: deaf
5. Pools Or Hot Tubs: hot tub.
6. Television Or Radio: TV.
7. CDs Or MP3's: mp3s
8. Apples or oranges: oranges
9. Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries.
10. Gold or silver: silver
11. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate.
12. Movies or music: thats tough.... movies i guess
13. Park or Beach? beach
14. Hot or Cold weather? cold
15. Sunset or Sunrise? sunset
SECTION FIVE: When is the Last Time You...
1. Took a shower: this morning
2. Cried: when kyle left a week ago
3. Watched a Disney movie: been a while...... can't remember off the top of my head
4. Given/gotten a hug: this morning
5. Been to the movies: last friday
6. had a boy/girlfriend: right now
7. kissed someone: this morning
8. Said I love you: an hour or so ago
9. danced: we kinda danced in kristin's kitchen last night, but we were all being stupid and alcohol was involved
10. did a survey like this: not one this long in a long time!
SECTION SIX: What is...
1. Your Fondest Memory Of This year: moving and november 4th
2. Your Most Prized Possession: my rings
3. The Thing That Makes You the Happiest: kyle.... he knows just what to do or say!
4. Your Favorite Food For Dinner: dont really know, but that deer meat last night was pretty freaking good
5. Your Favorite Slow Song: Bless the Broken Road
6. Your Ideal BF/GF: Kyle
SECTION SEVEN: What Do You Feel About...
1. Bill Clinton: personally? i liked him, he was a good president, the world was a safer place, and what he did on his own time was his own business and we had no right invading his privacy!
2. Love at First sight: yes and no, there can be an attraction at first sight, but in order to love someone you really have to know them and you can't by just looking at them
3. Abortion: yes, if someone's life is at risk
4. Smoking: not good for you....
5. Death: it will happen to everyone eventually
6. Eating disorders: scary stuff... to overcome one is one of the hardest things a person can do... trust me!
7. Rap: good stuff, especially to dance to!
8. Marilyn Manson: scares the shit out of me!
9. Premarital sex: its everyones choice
10. Suicide: no
Section Eight: Information...
1. full birth name: Vanna Marie Maxa
2. hair color: Brown
3. eye color: green
4. current height: 5'3"
5. glasses/contacts: both..i have these new contacts that you dont take out for months at a time! i like them alot!
6. religion: christian
7. current age: 19
8. siblings: 2 brothers
9. siblings age: 13 and 14
10. location: norfolk, VA
11. college plans: hopefully start ODU in the fall
12. any piercings: 5
Section Nine: Social
1. best guy friend: kyle
2. best girl friend: tamara, kristin, brenda
3. current crush: kyle
4. boyfriend/girlfriend: kyle
5. are u center of attention or wallflower: a little of both, depends on where im at, who im with, etc.
6. what type automobile do u drive: black 2002 hyundai sonata
7. are u timely or always late: try to be timely but end up being late!
8. do u have a job: not yet
9. do u like being around people: yes
10. hobbies: shopping, chillin, waiting....
Section Ten: Love
1. have u ever liked someone u had no chance with? yes
2. have u ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did? yes
3. do u have a "type" of person u always go after: usually tall guys, but thats about it
4. want someone u don't have right now? no
5. ever liked a close guy/girlfriend? yeah
6. are u lonely right now? yes
7. ever afraid u'll never get married? no
8. do u want to get married? yes!
9. do u want kids? YES!
10. would you rather love or be loved? both. i love easily.
Section Eleven: Favorite
1. room in house: living room or bedroom
2. type of music: country probably, but rock too! its a toss up
3. location for dates: restaurant and pool hall
4. memory: high school and just seeing everyone, but i dont miss the bullshit drama
5. day of the week: friday, or any day kyle doesnt have duty
6. color: green, pink, orange, black
7. perfume or cologne: happy heart & kirra
8. Month: september
9. Season: fall
Section Twelve: In The Past 48 Hours Have You...
1. Cried: no
2. bought something: cigarettes
3. Gotten sick: no
4. Sang: yes
5. Said i love u: yes
6. wanted to tell someone u loved them but didn't: no
7. Met someone new: no
8. moved on: no, i moved on a long time ago
9. talked to someone: yeah lots
10. had a serious talk: yeah, kyle and i talked about our future and stuff
11. missed someone: YES!!!
12. hugged someone: yes
13. kissed someone: yes
14. fought with your parents: no, things are smoother now that I am gone
15. dreamed about someone u can't be with: yeah when kyle was gone on the boat
16. had a lot of sleep: yeah kinda
17. wanted this survey to be over: yeah, it was really really long