Title: Severed Connection
Pairing: Gibbs/Dinozzo (mild slash)-eventually
Rating: M
Warning: some OOC MOMENTS; hurt/comfort/family; hurt!angsty!tony; protective!gibbs;
Characters: Gibbs, Dinozzo, Shepard, Mallard, Abby, McGee, and Ziva and a few others
Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS; it belongs to TPTB
Beta: batina35
Author Note: IN THIS FIC 'BOXED IN' HAPPENED AFTER 'HIATUS'; CAN CONSIDER THIS AU; this is set around the holidays. ‘La Grenouille’ never happened. I did not like how obsessed Jenny was during that whole storyline. I will play around with the timeline of the show.
I appreciate any reviews.
Summary: After the events of "Boxed In" and "Hiatus," Tony Dinozzo's in a bad place emotionally and physically. It's enough to make him think about severing his connection with his NCIS team. At the same time, he starts to reconnect with someone from his past. Can he do it? Can Tony walk away from the team and, more importantly, Gibbs?
Chapter 1
Tony stood and smiled while they all had their ‘good natured fun’ at his expense. He knew that he was guilty of this on occasion as well, but his smile began to falter as the implications of their actions sunk in. They did not want him around. That was pretty obvious as they discussed, in detail, the menu of the previous evening at Ziva’s place.
They all laughed and conversed, totally oblivious to Tony’s increasing despair. He kept his face as neutral as possible as they all finally began to disperse to make their way to their residences. Tony tried to hide his wince as he went to grab his backpack. He got checked out by some EMT’s after being locked in the container with Ziva. Luckily, the wound on his arm was just a graze. But, Tony was actually surprised by how much it hurt. He had some painkillers at home that he was actually considering taking.
“Arm smartin’ there, Dinozzo?” Gibbs asked gruffly as he put on his coat.
“No, Boss. It’s just a flesh wound.” He flashed his million dollar smile, not wanting to show any of his hurt. He quickly left before he would have to be subjected to anymore team bonding stories.
As the elevator descended, Tony’s stomach lurched as he realized that they did not care about him. The last year had been hard. With Gibbs sudden retirement and subsequent reinstatement, Tony had felt off kilter for some time now. He felt his heart was just starting to heal over how he felt betrayed by his Boss, by his teammates. Ziva turned to Gibbs when she was in trouble; he guessed that she did not think Tony could have her six. Abby had pictures of Gibbs plastered all over her lab. He was constantly reminded by the Ziva, Tim, and Abby that he wasn’t Gibbs…don’t act like Gibbs…what would Gibbs do? He wanted to shout from the top of the Pentagon that Gibbs was gone! He quit!
He tried so hard to keep the team together. Gibbs had left a large hole when he left: personally and professionally. But, their close rate hadn’t changed while Gibbs was in Mexico. Tony worked tirelessly to see that did not happen. The only person who even seemed to acknowledge this was Jenny.
If Tony was honest with himself, the only thing at this point that kept him there was the Director. She was surprisingly perceptive when it came to him. She knew he had a difficult time with the way Gibbs left and the team after Gibbs’ departure. He often wondered if she realized how deep his feelings for Gibbs were. As much as he talked to her, he never felt he could tell her how in love with his Boss he was. It was confusing to him as well. Tony had never been attracted to men, but from the first time he met Leroy Jethro Gibbs in Baltimore, he felt like he was hit by lightening. He knew it was a movie cliché, but that is how it felt. At first, he thought he just admired his work ethic and his methods, but as the years went by, he knew it was something more. It hurt when he realized Gibbs did not know the team and him after he was blown up. His leaving left a hole in his heart and sometimes Tony felt he couldn’t breathe. And to deal with that and the treatment from his team was so hard.
So even though he couldn’t reveal everything to the Director, Jenny encouraged him to do his best and she seemed to believe in him. They met frequently and Tony went on a few short lived undercover ops for the agency. He had started hitting his stride when Gibbs’ return changed everything yet again.
With his departure, his ‘You’ll do’ was insulting at best. And when Gibbs returned, there was no thank you…no good job. His belongings were placed haphazardly back upon the desk he occupied before. He was supposed to go on like the previous four months never happened. Abby was rejoicing, Ziva and McGee were acting smugly and smiled every time Gibbs walked in the room. Tony did not expect much, but he felt cast aside like nothing. And that hurt. And to look upon the man he loved…Tony felt ashamed that he loved a man that had treated him with such callousness and disregard. Maybe the problem was him. Maybe he was just pathetic and deserved the treatment he received. He felt so confused.
Tony sighed as he opened his car door and sat for a time in the drivers’ seat, too exhausted to start the engine. He knew at times he could be annoying: his humor, his ribbing of his colleagues, his endless movie references. But they all gave as good as they got, right? Ziva often acted like she was superior because of her Mossad training. McGee thought Tony was some stupid jock from a Midwest state school. But despite all this, he thought of them as a team, a family…the only real family Tony felt like he ever had. But now…especially knowing that they did not want him at the dinner party was almost too much to bear.
Continue to Chapter 2