New Animated Mood Theme

Jun 24, 2011 10:28

This beautiful new animated mood theme is courtesy of hepburnette. It's from the new show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

livejournal, misc. tv shows

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sutherwinds June 24 2011, 23:31:36 UTC
Actually, I'm waiting for the In school collection to arrive. I got Frankenstein's daughter in summertime. I liked her because she's blue. Eventually I'll get the vampire and the Mummy's daughter. The werewolf's daughter is kind of cute with dog ears. Mr Hyde's son is kind of lame. I don't know about him.
I think all Mattel products are expensive around here. There were other reasons for not having the dolls. My parents were almost 40 when they had me and my sister. They were way too mature and over meaningless toys when I was growing up. I was raised with chemistry kits and game boards. While my cousins brushed their Barbie dolls' hair, I was in my backyard looking for footprints with my Daniel Boone kit.
I didn't even have video games when I was in High School because my parents didn't know what that was about (they still don't know, but now I have my own PS2.)
The good side of having old parents is that they stimulated my imagination, taught me to read before four and made of books great companions for my sister and me. I can't complaint, they never spanked us and we are very well adjusted.
And now, I can compensate by getting my own Barbie dolls and sewing their clothes and everything.


kirarakim June 25 2011, 00:04:56 UTC
This MLP is actually not like the one from the 80's. It actually has this strange attraction that goes beyond its target audience. Believe it or not one of the biggest demographics are men 18-30. You can see this in comments on youtube which absolutely are hilarious and make the viewing experience even more fun.

Although I was a fan as a little girl I think seeing so many guys into MLP is what sparked my interest in the series. It's a really clever and smart show. XD


sutherwinds June 25 2011, 00:06:53 UTC
You've made me curious. I'll look it up ;)


marie1964 June 25 2011, 00:34:07 UTC
Yeah, and they even have their own name for themselves-- bronies. Why don't we HH fans have a cool name like that? ;)


marie1964 June 25 2011, 00:33:03 UTC
There are different kind of Monster High collections? I didn't know that. How many different kinds are there? Yeah, Mr. Hyde's son isn't the coolest looking. I think it's really clever how they made the vampire into a vegetarian.
I don't think having parents who were almost 40 is an excuse. My mom was 38, and she still bought me Barbies and play kitchens with fake, plastic food and everything. Though, I did have, and still do, a lot of board games. (Interesting that you have it 'backwards.')
I did have Sega, but it was more about the hours in elementary school I used to watch my brother playing his game systems. Play Station, X Box, Game Cube, etc.
Yes, I also love books now. Though, I did buy a little MLP doll that is now next to your frog. :)


sutherwinds June 25 2011, 00:57:05 UTC
Terrible typo! LOL- Anyway, isn't it awful how merchandise set their traps for us poor consumers? Oh, well, I can't help it, I'm a collector. I thought I had got over that after I finished University, but here I am starting a new collection... Yes there are different collections based on the outfits. My Frankie is wearing a swimming suit. So, I want the others in uniform or other outfits. I can make them clothes too, they're so skinny that a little square of fabric would be enough LOL.
I'm watching MLP on Youtube as we speak. The Mare in The Moon. These drawings are way much better than the old ones. I like the colors. I suppose the dolls are cuter too, if that's possible. It's so good to be still a child now that we can afford it and see it with a different perspective.
Mature parents make mature children. My mom might be different from yours because she comes from another background. My parents grew up in a different environment. They were teenagers during WWII. They didn't have much. The houses were out of mud and bamboo, there were no tile or mosaic. TV came to the country in the early 60's. They were not used to buy but the essentials. Technology took them by surprise. I can't explain to my mother about internet because it's beyond her comprehension. On the bright side, I know a lot of history first hand.


marie1964 June 25 2011, 03:30:06 UTC
What do you mean by set their traps? I usually try to avoid it in books-- if a fantasy or supernatural book looks interesting, I always check to see if it's part of a series. If it is, I usually don't buy it. That's cool that you can sew your dolls outfits. I took a sewing class back in high school, but I'm still pretty terrible at it. :(
Ah, so I see you're starting with the very first episode, that's good. Or, as the saying goes, youth is wasted on the young. ;) Actually, I prefer the old version too. Here's the opening to the show I watched:
Oh, Mom would laugh so hard at your sentence of mature parents making mature children. No offense, just the way me and my brother are. ;) Though, we don't smoke or do drugs, and I don't drink, so I guess that's a good thing. My parents were part of the Baby Boomer generation, born during the 50s. So, I take it email isn't as important in Costa Rica as it is in America?


sutherwinds June 25 2011, 14:32:37 UTC
e-mail is important for my generation. 50 year olds or younger. Costa Rican elders could be compared with your great-grandparents. They were farmers, very humble people without much money. They are very nice and they talk a lot about the life 60 years ago. But they grew up without electricity, telephone or TV. So, computers are the gadgets that keep them waiting when they have to go to the bank or any other office. Only a few would get interested on the new technologies.
I remember the time I had to explain my oldest aunt, 82 back then, that Internet didn't have anything to do with the devil.
I'm part of the last world baby boomers who were born in the early 60's. Sometimes it's difficult for me to keep up with the all the new technology but I try. It's fun to meet people so far away. :)
See you later, there is a very frisky dog tapping my arm to take her for a walk LOL.


marie1964 June 25 2011, 15:56:13 UTC
I don't think my grandparents talk a lot about the life 60 years ago. (That's as far back in generations as I can go. While all four of my grandparents are still alive, God bless, all of my great-grandparents died while I was still a baby.) Now, I know that telephones were invented by the 1940s/50s. Were they not imported yet? Do you have IPhones or IPods yet? I don't have either of those myself, not really interested.
That sounds pretty strange that she would think that, no offense. Though, I read in my history books that people wouldn't use forks for the longest time because they looked too much like the devil's tool.
It is fun meeting people in different countries. This world of ours is becoming more and more diverse and international, which I like. Though, not so crazy about all the job outsourcing. This just brought up a new question. Are there a lot of American jobs based in Costa Rica?
Yes, dogs are like that. ;)


sutherwinds June 25 2011, 18:05:20 UTC
Costa Rica's democracy started officially after 1948 civil war. There was more development and communications began to raise. There is private property but most of social services come from the State. It's been until recently that other companies from USA mostly, are opening options in technology and communications. The first phone numbers came in early '60s. I suppose there were public telephone in some places but the household lines came later. Cellular system began about 15 years ago and it was really hard to get a line. Now it is much easier, but infrastructure is still an issue. IPhones and IPods are very popular but they have to be modified to work with the system.
I don't know if I understand what you mean by American based jobs, but there are a lot of call centers (very popular between unemployed youngsters that speak English.) Now Walmart is opening supermarkets all over the country. That's good, I guess although some people here still long for the simple life whatever it was .


marie1964 June 26 2011, 00:06:27 UTC
When you mention the date, I can't help but wonder if Costa Rica fought in World War 2? Because it would be horrible to have fought in two wars in the same decade. I have heard that DVRs have two different regions, one American and one European. I'm starting to picture IPhones and IPods the same way. It must have been interesting that telephone lines took a bit of a while to get to your country. Though, I bet everybody back then had beautiful penmanship. That's one thing that I don't really care for in America. Do you know, that because so much is done on computers, that there's actually a small debate as to whether or not they should teach cursive in elementary schools anymore? It saddens me, especially since it took me a lot longer than my classmates to learn how to master it. :(
Walmart is a great place to buy clothes and foods and toys. Though, sometimes I wonder what it was like back in the olden days, during the 60s when there were those mom-and-pop shops. That's how I picture the simple life to be. Very much like "Happy Days," "Laverne and Shirley," etc.


sutherwinds June 26 2011, 00:32:01 UTC
Funny but we still have those shops you talk about, we call them Pulpería. They are slowly fading away, though. But many small towns here are still like in Laverne and Shirley and Happy Days. This is a very quiet country. Costa Rica didn't fight the wars but they declared war to Germany and Italy, as a way of solidarity with Roosevelt. After Peal Harbor, they were afraid of Japanese planes to come after the Canal and mistakenly bomb Costa Rica.LOL
Until several years ago, everybody knew cursive and print. Now, College students can't read cursive from the whiteboard. As a former teacher, that really gets my nerves.
We are in different zones of DVDs. But the DVRs are universal now, that's good because otherwise I'd have to quit getting TV shows and old movies.


marie1964 June 26 2011, 22:41:37 UTC
That's sad that they're fading away. As much as I love all the advancements that America has made, I still wish there were more mom-and-pop stores, and less big-box corporations, around. That's why I'm glad that we live an hour's drive from a town called Long Grove, which is very much like Main Town, USA (a more informal way of saying old town/era America).
I would probably be afraid that they would miss the Canal too. I like that they showed solidarity with America, even if they didn't fight.
They can't read cursive? Even our colleges aren't as bad. Some teachers use PowerPoint and other technology a lot, but others still write a lot on the whiteboards.
That's good too, because I know how much you love your old TV shows and movies.


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