Oct 03, 2008 00:14
or, i am not going to tell you everything that i think about palin. i feel like she is anti-woman, anti-feminist, and a complete and utter pretty puppet for the GOP. it's a fact. i keep reading up on this stuff, because i really wanted to like this female VP candidate. oh my god, though... she is horrible. it's depressing. she is a complete embarrassment, and should be to EVERY woman.
anyway. yeah. the vp debate was an awful thing to watch. i DID laugh a lot, though! well, maybe not when biden was all cry-y. that was sad, for real sad.
oh! i want to rant about republicans! i have to get myself calm!
it's really funny that patrick actually registered republican, because he is from a military family, but has never voted republican. i mean, we are a little poor and he is a tattoo artist... what have we got to be republican about?
right now, patrick and i are trying our best to figure out how to get a house. we found a perfect one, owner financed, in sanford. all we need is $10,000.
ha! ten grand!