Internet crisis!

Feb 26, 2006 22:47

Life without constant access is killing me! Well, I found out about this wireless internet card I can get in Akihabara, and I can use it anywhere in Japan and it costs like 5000-8000 yen per month. That's not too much more than what I would pay for good internet in Spokane so I think I might do that. Then I can use it whenever and where ever I want. The only problem is I have to use my card so and I don't think my card will work here. Oh well, I guess I'll just ask them if they accept cash!
I went to an international party last night with Christine and Ai(a friend from the office) and some friends of Christine, Michie and Mutsumi. My boss was also there along with some of the students from classes. It was an invitation only pary, and we got in for free too. YAY! It was all you can eat and all you can drink for free so I was very happy after loading 5 or 6 really good alchoholic bevereges in me! Then, we went to the club and drank some more!
Man Vanilla was packed last night! They closed the upper floor which is usually the packed floor, so the two rooms on the bottom were so full of people that no one could breath.
I don't think we'll be going there for a while so I think we're going to try a different club next time. I think we are going to go to womb or something. I hear that's a good club.
Well I am studying so laters people.
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