Private (friends only)

Sep 23, 2005 22:37

FRIENDS ONLY No more adds
If you don't like to hear the truth this might not be the best place for the weak at ♥
Due to the fact that there are to many stalkers, biters and overall
losers out their this is a friends only journal. Comment and might be added.
Before you comment or add me read the ......

ask me a/s/l anytime because I wont answer, and then call me a bitch and still have the gull to ask me again. Thats why miss. XXXXXXXX is on blast. I am to lady like and nice to go off and give her name so this is as far as I will go:

Apparently I am bitch, lol. These lil kids slay me. I am tired of getting asked these question , they freak me out.

Do not's
-Ask me for help with your journal- I only help my already friends
-Add me just to steal my graphics
-Make start fights or any beef with me and or my friends
-Make nasty comments
-Show off your community, I am not intressted if I haven't joined. But if you really think you have
something that intresst me, amuse me.
-If you don't update

My journal is full or graphics and some you can use but only if I say so, if not its stealing so get it striaght before you even think about it. And if you don't credit me then thats just wrong. And I have no shame putting you out there on blast.

friends only post

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