1. Finally, I got a B in Audiovisuals and a B in Spanish language. I'm quite angry at the audiovisuals teacher because considering all the hard work I've done in his classes, and that he told me that he was going to put me more than a B, it is quite unfair that I end up with only a B.
2. Went to see "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian"(an undubbed version)with a friend last Saturday. I loved it, Ben Barnes was as hot as I expected and I went out of the movie surprised of how good his Spanish accent was. And I've sort of developed a crush on Sergio Castellitto as Miraz. Yeah, I know, Miraz is evil, he wants to kill poor Caspian, he isn't particularly handsome, and all that Jazz. But well, I found myself really attracted to him. Perhaps because, after all, he wasn't that evil. He simply thought that the end justifies the meanings. I'm not saying that this makes him a good person, butit makes him really human, at least in my humble opinion.
3. Of course, now I'm reading the books. So far I've read "The Magician's nephew" and "The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe", and tomorrow I'm heading to the shop to buy all the rest.
Neil Patrick Harris, I SO FREAKKING LOVE YOU!!!! Seriously, you've got to watch this. It's the most made of awesome thing ever.
5. This saturday I'm going to the Expo, all day. But there's been a menace of strike of the AVE workers. Wish me good luck.
1. Finalmente mnotable en audiovisual y notable en lengua. Estoy bastante enfadada con el profesor porque, considerando todo el trabajo que he hecho en sus clases, y que me dijo que con toda seguridad iba a tener más que un notable, me parece un poco injusto que lo deje en un simple notable.
2. Fui a ver "El Príncipe Caspian" en versión original con una amiga el sábado. Ben estaba muy rico, como esperaba, y su acento español me sorprendió. También tengo una especie de crush extraño con Sergio Castellitto como Miraz. Sip, ya lo sé, Miraz es malvado, quiere matar a Caspian, tampoco es que sea muy atractivo, y todo eso. Pero es un personaje que me atrae mucho. Quizás porque no es necesariamente malvado, si no que cree que el fin justifica los medios. Y no digo que eso le haga una buena persona, si no que le hace humano, al menos en mi humilde opinión.
3. Por supuesto, me estoy leyendo los libros. Ya he terminado "El sobrino del mago" y "El león la bruja y el armario", y mañana voy de cabeza a la librería a comprarme el resto.
Neil Patrick Harris, I SO FREAKKING LOVE YOU!!!! Seriously, Si no lo habeis visto, a verlo. Porque es la cosa más awesome ever.
5. Este sábado me voy todo el día a la EXPO. Pero hay amenaza de huelga de los trabajadores del AVE. Deseadme suerte