My soundtrack

Jun 29, 2007 19:38

If your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be?
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod etc.)
2. Put in on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool
Waking Up:  All I want for christmas is you (love actually)

First Day Of School:  Who wants to live for ever(Queen)

Falling In Love:  All you need is love (love actually)

Fight Song:  The show must go on (Moulin Rouge)

Breaking Up: The Chase (the illusionist)

Prom:  The Pitch, Spectacular, spectacular (moulin Rouge)

Life's Just...:   Wrong Way (Marlango)

Mental Breakdown:  Adew, Sweet Amarilis (english renaissance madrigals)

Driving: Glasgow love theme (love actually)

Flashback:  Hindi Sad Diamonds(Moulin Rouge )

Getting Back Together:  Message for the queen (300)

Birth Of Child:  Dulce locura (la oreja de van gogh)

Wedding:  Achilles and Briseis (troy-rejected score) (Yay! it's a very pretty music for a wedding)

Finale Battle:  Venite amati insieme (Italian Renaissance Madrigals)

Death Scene:  La luna me sabe a poco (Marea)

Funeral Song:  So Long Jimmy(James Blunt)

End Credits:  In the deep (Bird York)

music, ipod, itunes

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