Nov 03, 2004 15:34
Bush won. Daschle lost. The only good thing is that Stephanie Herseth won the house.
I have totally lost faith in America. I cannot believe that any country, nor state, could be so incredibly, clinically, insane.
Senator Tom Daschle was the third most powerful man in the United States. He provided funding and grants for South Dakota, and the South Dakotans gave it up. They voted for THUNE. AH!
What ignorance these people possess? Does no one care about the real issues, but only those that they think are really important? Did people only vote for abortion and gay marraige, and totally ignore what Sen. Daschle has done for the STATE? How could anyone be so completely moronic?
I am furious.
And then to reelect BUSH!?
What one Earth are Americans basing their voting on?! Intelligence? NO! Honesty? NO! Foreign policy? NO! Leadership? NO!
What is there to base the vote on? Nothing! Bush led us blindly into Iraq for "Weapons of Mass Destruction". Um, where are those again, Bush? Hiding? And then to "catch" Saddam, whom we put in power? What are we, God now? (The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away?) Bush has done nothing for the "War on Terror". Did everyone go blind from the Iraq war?
What has Bush done but to alienate this country! He has created enemies! He has done nothing but bad!
Why, America!?
Oh, to vote!
Kerry, Daschle, you know you deserved it. But the ignorance of America was proven. What can we do? I am sorry.
Bush = the paragon of stupidity.
I'm so furious I can't think straight.
America, you failed.