opening my heart

Sep 05, 2004 23:23

I've had kinda interesting conversations on AIM before.

I cannot say I feel better about certain things actually but maybe...maybe...a first step has been made towards that direction.

I think people have been seeing me the wrong way lately...I always forget that online things can be deceiving and lots of misunderstandings can happen unfortunately.

I also know that many...really MANY of people out there...if not all of them...don't know me really..they don't know how I am, what I really think/do/feel. I am positive about the fact that if they really got to know me they would have different opinions about many things.
I also hope, though, that the very few people who have been knowing me a bit better lately do know how I am and they believe in me, just like I believe in them.
I wish all of the people I have met so far had a good opinion of what I am but I understand it's not possible and I accept it too. My stubborn self though, would like to show everybody how's the "real me". It's not easy via lj of course, stubborn self is just...stubborn! ;) And maybe it's a good thing not to give up on this too easily! Who knows!

In any case, from now on I'll behave differently...with everybody who will come my way. Let's say it's a new year's resolution. Yes, I know it's not new year's yet but it kinda is for ME, since at the end of september I'll be one year "older". I should be wiser...*coughs*...yeah sure!

From now on...I'll be...just MORE: more open, more caring, more everything...wiser, clearer, trustworthy, nicer, name it! I'll try to get you all to know me better. I like having a lj because I can talk about me more freely...I normally don't talk about me with people..not even with my own family members. Most likely I'm the only one who knows how I am deep down. I know my flaws, my faults and...maybe...even the few qualities that God might have granted me. I wish I could've deserved more qualities but...I guess I didn't. I do have some though but probably I don't show them enough and I retreat into myself and I hide myself behind my flaws instead. That's bad! I wanna quit doing so. And I wanna quit making mistakes! I'm not perfect but I could be better at least.

So...I'll do my best to achieve this goal from now on..I'll do it for myself and for those around me.

Speaking of this...I might as well start now and apologize with tulipbabie for our misunderstanding. (I know I did already but when I's hard for me to stop! :P) Welcome back to my flist!

Now...if people have suggestions about me...about how and what I should change about me, I mean...please, go ahead and let me know. Advices are useful after all.

And...if there are people who, instead, do not like the way I am, please go ahead and remove my name from your list! It would be only fair to YOU doing so. It's not right keeping someone you don't like/trust/care about in your flist, is it?!?

And just before stopping...finally, you'd say...thanks ellepel for being caring and cheering me up! *hugs*
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