last night

Sep 19, 2006 15:51

I spoke to a beautiful young man last night. He was standing alone, waiting for his friend. We made eye contact, so I shyly approached him and said, "I love your show." He smiled and said, "Thank you." I was in heaven. Nothing else mattered. Not even James McAvoy, the friend he was waiting for. And the blond Adonis ... Jesse Spencer.

Last night was the screening, Q&A, and reception for The Last King of Scotland. Present were James McAvoy and the director Kevin Macdonald. Can't really give any details cause I can't remember anything other than how very attractive they were (I'm including the director in my drool fest). James has the rosiest lips. So unfair. He's not that tall, 5'6"? and quite slim. He wore a leatherish? black jacket over a brown western style shirt, faded jeans and well worn brown shoes (the heels looked to be a couple of inches thick). He hadn’t shaved … actually described himself as knackered.

At the end of the Q&A, JM and the director stood around for awhile. I looked at C to see if she had any plans of going up to JM. Unbelievably, no. She caught sight of Jesse coming down the aisle, who then patiently waited for JM. I managed to restrain myself, sort of. How can anyone not recognize him? And he was standing all alone … so, um, what I wrote above. Yes, it was all delightful, couldn’t stop smiling (something I rarely do). He looked to be 5’10”? casually dressed in a lightweight grey sweatshirt, jeans and he was wearing a newsboy cap that wasn’t really hiding that soft blond hair and cherubic face.

They hugged when they greeted each other. And no, I didn’t eavesdrop on their conversation.

We maintained a discreet distance by heading off to the reception. I couldn’t eat anything. But I did walk off with 2 small plates of goodies that I nearly dropped on running into C when she froze at seeing JM & JS talking in the parking lot. They then took off in JS’ extended cab pickup truck. Omygosh, it was just like Harry and Draco except in real life.

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