It's impossible to ignore the
arrests of Ps Kong Hee and four other senior leaders of City Harvest. There is a flurry of media attention and buzz online, why still write about it? I didn't want to add my two cents worth. But as I browsed the plethora of
clammouring voices, I felt compelled to highlight a few and to add my own.
Many of these opinions fall into two camps: defend or condemn. Those defending either purport Ps Kong's innocence or feel the need to defend Christianity. Those condemning come from within (Christians who are taking the opportunity to throw stones at City Harvest for other various, some valid, reasons) and from without (non-Christians who now feel vilified in criticizing Christianity).
My response? Neither.
There is nothing new under the sun. While mildly surprised after two years of silence since the probe, I am not shocked. The Christian world has many instances of the total depravity of men: pastors, speakers, evangelists who have fallen into great sin. (Four years ago, I
responded to Mike Guglielmucci's faked illness.) This one just hits a little closer to home. Christians are by very definition hypocrites. Yes, you read right. We are neither perfect nor sinless, it is little use to pretend otherwise. By the same stroke, I therefore feel no need to defend Christianity. Regardless of what men do, my God is still the same yesterday, today and forever.
We Christians are excellent at shooting our wounded. I've read too many Christians who are now bashing Ps Kong Hee, City Harvest, mega-churches, the Prosperity Gospel, etc. Some of the criticism levelled is justified, but now is neither the time or place. Now is
not the time to cast stones, but to weep with those who weep. Now is the time for the Singapore Church to demonstrate unity and grace. This is a time which puts us under great scrutiny by the nation. How we respond, will communicate what our faith is truly about.
I'm praying for Ps Kong Hee and his associates, and their families, in their hour of need. I'm praying for the leaders and members of City Harvest Church. I'm praying for the name of God to be glorified in all that we say and do.
Here are a few more posts I feel demonstrate appropriate responses:
Five Responses to Consider (CHC Arrests)
Death of A Halo: Of Kong Hee, CHC, and Christianitythe substance of thingsMinistry Leaders Urge Restraint on Kong Hee Arrest