This happened a while ago but I thought I’d post anyway.
It all began on a blustery Saturday morning.
Team Chilli Crab was well on its way to coming in first. Although the cheese board had delayed us, Dex got bonus points for his efforts.
Navigating King’s Park was a piece of cake. Having jogging up there countless times during my living on-campus days, I knew it like the back of my hand. Not bad for a navigator who once told her driver to “just got to E8”.
We were slowed at “The corner where fiona Views the Bay”. We drove up and down Princess Road countless times in hope of finding where it was. When we eventually found it, however, it was almost as plain as the nose on our faces that I had to smack my forehead in self-admonishment: Why didn’t I think of that earlier? But precious time had been lost. And at that stage, I reckon, was when we lost our precious lead.
The last few stations were a mad panic as we rushed to finish them all within the time limit.
The entire game was pretty much played in our locale. So the UWA teams had the advantage of knowing where things were. Our team figured out the end point even before being given the entire map.
Not surprisingly, a UWA team won. The comp science nerds, plus a female engineer. (We all know that it was the engineer that helped clinch the title. *wink*)
The Winning Team
The best part about the race was that as “friends of the winning team”, half my team joined them to share in their prize: a $100 voucher to indulge at
The Oyster Bar. Everybody say ooooh.
Dinner at The Oyster Bar was a sumptous affair. Apart from the succulent fresh oysters, we had salmon, lamb and lobster. Delicious.
The Winning Team & Friends
Since we had dinner on the evening of my birthday, I also had birthday crepes.
No, dinner wasn’t the best part. It was a highlight, a bonus, but it was the memories made and the friendships forged and strengthened made the game so enjoyable.
Team Chilli Crab was awarded the Clown Team prize for being an all-round package: decorated car, coordinated outfits, enthusiasm. We even had a cheer: Chilli Crab, Chilli Crab, hoi, hoi, hoi! Ooooh yeah! I am amazed that we did not experience any friction at all. No arguments, no fights, not even a raised voice. For a team that has never worked together before (we’ve worked with each other at some point but never all together), we had no difficulties. (Maybe there were but I was just oblivious to it. Oh well!)
What an amazing day! What an amazing race! (sorry, I couldn’t help making the obvious pun, it was begging to be made.)