Cute cuteness

Jun 22, 2011 00:15

Remember all my dear cute students from Taiwan? Well, a good chunk of them are currently in Provo, Utah. And I am teaching a few of their English classes. And I ran into the other group that I'm not teaching (that contains most of the ones I know the best) in the middle of the Cougareat today and had my picture taken like 43 times and got at least three separate gifts. Why are they such sugar coated little darlings?

So, at the beginning of the day, we were walking with 23 Taiwanese high school students across campus and into the Wilk where we had a room reserved. On our way in the doors (I was being a shepherd) we intersected with an EFY group (a groups of American high school students) and were all going in the doors together. The Taiwanese kids were all linked arm-in-arm with at least one other member of the same gender, and several of them sharing parasols. The American kids were each linked arm-in-arm with a member of the opposite gender. My Taiwanese students were all sorts of shocked and started muttering in Chinese. One of the American boys behind me said, "Why is everyone in this group wearing glasses?"

I, in my cute, cheap, trendy glasses from Taiwan, turned around and said "Because cool kids wear glasses."
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