A modern version of the old Kenner Imperial Troop Transporter from 1979! The original was my very first Star Wars toy, and as such it holds a special place in my heart.
The Kenner troop transport has become almost a staple of the Filoni-verse, turning up in cartoons and live action all over the place.
They still don't make one for Star Wars Legion, the miniatures wargame for Star Wars, but that means it's a popular target for 3D modelers to print after-market:
For my part, I like to think the difference between the designs comes down to local manufacturing and wartime variations. Clearly, the toy was the Troop Transport Ausf A, while the Mandalorian one is an Ausf D, produced after the death of the Emperor, during the slow collapse of the Imperial controlled regions. :)
They still don't make one for Star Wars Legion, the miniatures wargame for Star Wars, but that means it's a popular target for 3D modelers to print after-market:
For my part, I like to think the difference between the designs comes down to local manufacturing and wartime variations. Clearly, the toy was the Troop Transport Ausf A, while the Mandalorian one is an Ausf D, produced after the death of the Emperor, during the slow collapse of the Imperial controlled regions. :)
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