As part of my effort to learn Trigedasleng, I just wrote an entire story in it. Admittedly a short and not very good one. I think I'm really starting to get fluent. I was surprised at how much I didn't have to refer to the dictionary. I put it in an HTML table because it was the only way in Livejournal to preserve the English translation in parallel text. Sorry the formatting isn't better.
I had to invent some new vocab for this story. The canon Trig lexicon is still very limited. Most of them should be obvious from context, but a few won't be:
- pos: n. story, tale, account; from "post" in the internet sense of a Facebook or tumblr or forum post. Maybe should be pous instead?
- komau: n. ceremony, rite of passage; from "coming out"
- bauna: n. river; from "boundary" (as seen in Season 1, rivers often mark territorial boundaries)
- koven: adj. dressed; from the canon words bakova, biskova, etc. The verb form would be kov … op.
- ai … thru: v. stare; from the canon verbs ai … op and ai … raun and the verb satellite thru.
- sin … op: v. spot, notice; from the canon verb sin … in.
- kwip … op: v. ready, draw or raise a weapon or other item; from "equip" in the video game sense.
- hiza: n. feeling, premonition; from 'heads-up".
Also, I'm not clear on exactly where the line is between the present progressive (ste {verb root} {SAT}) and the participle-as-adjective-phrase (ste {verb root}+en). It's possible "skat laik ona nila raun em, bolen" should have been "skat laik ona nila raun em, bol au".
P.S.: I know the canon word for spear is jav. Naifstik was inspired by's
epic rant about Wonder Woman's (lack of) pants. I like it better and I'ma use it and you can't stop me.
ETA: I replaced the awkward table with screencap images. This enabled me to put the first part above the fold. The images should link to larger versions as well.
ETA #2: I corrected a few errors and made a few tweaks. I'm going to let this version stand, even though it is inevitable that I will find more errors after I hit submit, because of the rigamarole of taking screenshots and putting them up on Photobucket etc.
ETA #3: OK, I lied, I did one more revision.