
Apr 26, 2009 12:05

 I have been having the hardest time this weekend bringing myself to do the copious amounts of studying that are required for me to continue doing well in my program.  I think I am starting to hit my wall a little.  This block has been wonderful and extremely intense.  To stay on top of the huge knowledge base they are shoving down our throats is beyond a full time job.

I miss everyone.  I miss having a life.  I finally made Renee's set of braids last night, and it reminded me it is the first project I have gotten to work on in several weeks.  For the first time I have this HUGE amazing stockpile of fabric and the drive to make all sorts of awesome stuff, I just don't have any spare time to make it happen.  This makes me sad. I know it will get better, and I knew that this one would be hard.
My life is my nose in books.  Okay nuff whinging for today.  I am requiring myself to study.
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