Apr 08, 2009 15:13
I got a 30/30 on my first Block II exam. Other than that it has been a hell of a week. We have also been prepping for our IV practicum that we have to pass before we can start our clinicals next week. I am really looking forward to these clinicals, as they promise to be alot more interesting. I am really wanting to get the chance to go and observe surgeries. Ya, Gulenay, I know that makes you happy.
There is alot going on behind the scenes right now. School is crazy and I feel like I don't have time to breathe.
Jay is great as always and made me all sqishy last night singing one of our songs to me. I told him it's amazing how he makes me feel like my whole being is smiling. With all the craziness in relationships going on around me I feel very lucky to have found such a great one. Yeah, yeah....I know everybody is tired of hearing about how happy I am. Sorry.......I'm a total sapp :)