
Mar 23, 2009 15:39

So I finished the gold leaf on HRM's county scroll in record time. From starting to lay gesso to final burnishing = 2.5 hours. Which means this girl actually gets to spend the next day and a half of her break just relaxing. The hell you say.  
dragonflykeep made me realize the other day this will be the first time since October that I haven't been constantly working on a project.  I have worn an spot in the corner of my couch that I have occupied religiously.  I am going to take a break for a little bit and focus on school stuff.  I am thinking I might make some new outfits for Jay and I for coronation, maybe.  I plan on starting on Jay's woobie coat after that, but not for a couple of weeks at least.  I am taking a much deserved break, and finally having time to read the "Twilight" series.


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