The Great Do-Over

Aug 31, 2010 21:36

In the tradition of second chances & what ifs, today's Writer's Block asks "What would you change about your past?"  I wish I knew then what I know now.(There's a song that goes that way right? Before I write a treatise on what I want to change (kidding, I'll make it short), let me say this:

In all honesty, I have to say I'm content with the here & now of my life. A generally laid back person, I'm at peace with the state of things, because hey I like myself. plus, regrets can be such a downer. Either get over it and move on... or do something about it. Life's too short to dwell on "what could/should have been.

Even with all the mistakes I've made, I still prefer to look forward. I don't know if it's optimism on my part or just escapist fantasies. I'm hoping it's optimism. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the drama of the world, you see. I've just bolted from adolescence & am now a adult, and with maturity comes the burden of responsibility & trying to be good, er, respectable? Well at least decent. And all that has huge decisions in tow. So if I started so agonize over every mistaske - major or not- I'd probably go insane. Best case scenario: I'd still lose a lot of sleep.

Damn, it is escapist fantasizing! Lol

But since I don't want to wax melodic too much, I'll join  in on the fun.  As I said earlier, I wish I knew then, what I know now.  Because then I'd realize that I love volunteering more than life itself. So  I'd change my college major, somewhere along the lines of earth sciences, environmental engineering (math & activism...the geek in me is wistful) or psychology (because I like people in general & love learning what makes them tick...ooooh, maybe teaching kids, too).

Don't get me wrong. I've accepted my fate & I've got BIG plans. lol. I like nursing, particularly if we're out in the field doing medical missions, but I prefer a less rigid work environment. I want to be outdoors or out there helping people, not stuck in a hospital. So yes, if I were to work with MSF/Doctors Without Borders, then you won't hear me complain. Hospitals and poor health care really make me anxious. I feel helpless. I don't think I'd be able to take that kind of powerlessness to help until I'm 60 (or whenever I retire)...

So I to fulfill this wish, Im gonna get my license to practice. Then find work for a year or two (NGOs preferably). After that I'll apply to be a UN volunteer so I can get a feel for real humanitarian missions & some experience in different countries/cultural settings. I want to try for an Erasmus Mundus course. Dream graduate degree: Masters in International Humanitarian Action. Finally, get a job with an good NGO (local or otherwise) or if you'll let me dream big: the UN or WHO.

Anyways, grab a glass & let's make a toast. Here's to wishing all my plans (and yours, too!) work out. The sooner the better. ;)

bsn, do-over, redo, past, writer's block, doctors withour borders, erasmus mundus, plans, ngo, psychology, goal, msf, change, dream, graduate, nursing, college

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