College Life in Free Verse

May 20, 2007 07:31

College Life

the majority of classes are boring or maybe just overwhelming
fight the urge to skip class
failing to resist skipping class
talking & laughing while the teacher rambles on has become a habit
passing notes happens a lot
all those tedious hours of lectures have helped hone my drawing skills
quick/stolen glances at our cellphones
checking for messages & the occasional inspiration
endlessly vowing that next time “i’m really gonna copy notes”.
doodling has become a force of nature
Sleeping (in class) is the new trend
try not to snore or drool, lest you become flavor of the week
eyes lock across the room…happiness
pokes & jokes are exchanged amidst the steady hum of boredom
punchlines pierce the silence
giggles & snorts suppressed
that is until the teacher smiles along
hell yeah it can get boring for them, too
Unrelated/irrelevant/ridiculous comments are appreciated, but they will be mocked
bits of paper will be thrown occasionally
and once in a while you get a good one
then we are motivated
desire to learn, curiosity-driven attention, funny/interesting professors… alleluia!
here comes the sun
finally the reason for this higher education
at last the enlightenment that’ll make us see stars & togas
a bell rings, saying either of two things
“welcome back to dullsville, drone”
Or “next class, new adventures”
Then in smack dab in the hearty midst
here now is a little intermission
Hell yeah! It has arrived - - -recess, timeout, a breather, interruption, vacation
call it what you want
I’ll name it salvation

yes. even in college, it’s the breaks that are most enthralling.

school, environment, random, class, poems, free verse, poem, activism, poet, doodle, college, poetry

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