My holiday weekend was good but quite hectic, and I'm pooped.
I only saw my family, being unable to get hold of Kim the one evening I actually could have seen her. Finally saw my brother's house in Brownsburg. Got the saddest guilt trip from my grandmother ("Do you have to go back? Can't you just stay and be close to me?"), but resisted and returned.
dovwolf is now officially scared of my extended family.
Thursday, I have three wisdom teeth removed. Friday night, Dov's friends Yasha & Elysse fly in from Toronto, and are staying with us until Jan 5... I don't anticipate being online a whole lot until I return to work on Jan 3.
I'm glad everyone on my flist had happy & hectic holidays as well. Have a happy new year!
(And if anyone wants my new cellphone # and wasn't already spammed by me, drop me a line. theresab at gmail