Jul 18, 2006 22:23
I've been SO depressed lately. I feel as if I'm in a cage and it keeps getting smaller. EATING makes me depressed because then I think of the poor people who can't eat and here I am filling my belly up. So then I don't eat. ANd I feel bad about using paper and killing trees and driving places. I watched that special on Discovery channel a few nights ago. A big mistake on my part. I'm already overemotional about environmental problems...and that's what has triggered this current depression...that show.
Did you know..Carbon Dioxide TRAPS the heat in the atmosphere. ANd because we are burning fossil fuels we are releasing Carbon Dioxide into the atomosphere. And that wouldn't be so bad if we had trees to would convert the Carbon Dioxide into Oxygen and then it would be a nice balance. But humans keep killing the trees and they don't replant new ones to make up for the ones that were killed. So there are less trees and plants to convert the Carbon Dioxide...so we have an all time high of the carbon in our atmosphere right now. And because of that...our average temperature has raised 1 degree.
Because of that raise in temperature...the polar ice caps and glaciers are melting. More hurricanes are coming and more fires.
It's estimated that, by the year 2060, the glaciers will all be melted and all the coastal lying areas will be submerged in water. (Including all of Florida)
I live on a dying planet all because WE HUMANS can't take care of it.
I would get up and urge people to walk to close places and plant trees. But who would listen to a 17-year old girl. They'll probably write it off as over ambition and dismiss me for an overzealous plant lover.
And why is it that I'm one of the ONLY people that feel this way? Why do I feel so much...so much...empathy toward the environment. I'm not sure if empathy is the right word that I'm looking for....perhaps....I just FEEL BAD concerning anything ABOUT pollution and the environment.
I can't explain it.
It just hurts me...I have no idea why.
I havne't drawn anything on paper in like...1 1/2 months. (That's a record for me by the way. I normally draw every other day)....I feel like I kill trees. That I'm just adding to the destruction of the earth. I have such earth killing hobbies. I love to draw and read and sing. All of which requires a lot of trees. (Trees for paper to draw on....and to print books on...and to print music on)
Maybe this will just pass...I hope it will. I don't know why I feel this way.