(no subject)

Dec 22, 2003 00:09

Name: Maria
Nickname: Mia
mood: tired, fed up with hw, particularly history
Current music: none
Current taste: toothpaste!
Current hair: high bun
Current clothes: cami and boxers- ready for bed
Current smell: gucci sampler
Current thing I ought to be doing: Sleeping or history hw
Current desktop picture: love actually movie poster
Current favorite band: don't really have one
Current book: I'm too busy to be reading right now
Current cd in stereo: west side story
Current crush: No one right now , not really
Current favorite celeb: wes bentley
Smoke?: Negative
Do drugs?: Nope!
Have sex?: alllll the time
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: no, that'd be creepy
Remember your first real love?: Wasn't quite love yet, but yes
Still love him/her?: no
Read the newspaper?: I read some weird satire?
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Yep
Believe in miracles?: yeah
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?:hmmm....for some ppl
Consider yourself tolerant of others? haha, hardly
Consider love a mistake?: Sometimes
Like the taste of alcohol?: some of it
Have a favorite candy?: ohhh man this is hard
Believe in astrology?: ya
Believe in magic?: wish i could
Believe in God?: not really
Have any pets: too many, i hate animals
Go to or plan to go to college: yeah!
Have any piercings?: ears
Have any tattoos?: nope
Hate yourself: Sometimes
Have an obsession?: Yeah...
Have a secret crush?:or course
Do they know yet?: Nooooooo, hopefully
Have a best friend?: Ya
Wish on stars?: to no avail
Care about looks?: narcicisst

Love life:
First crush: Scott Trano (second grade!)
First kiss: decline comment
Single or taken?: Single ;-)
Ever been in love?: i think so, almost
Do you believe in love at first sight?:yeah

=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: haha yeah
Have you ever been intoxicated?:nope
Favorite place to be kissed?:neck
Have you ever been caught "doing something?":hello mr. brown
Are you a tease?: dont think so
Shy to make the first move?: usually
Word association
Rubber: Condom
Rock: on
Green: jealousy
Wet: hot
Cry: too much
Peanut: butter
Hay: dat
Cold: me, right now
Steamy: sexyy
Freaky: lets get....
Rain: Kissing in the.....
Bite: me.....
Fuck: me
Blow: me

Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Height: 5 6

Bought: curious george has fun mag
Ate & Drank: tomato and mozeralla and pink lemonade
Read: Jess's lj

club or houseparty: houseparty
beer or cider: shots...quicker
cats or dogs: cats
single or taken: single.....
pen or pencil: PEN, pencils are the devil
gloves or mittens: Mittens
food or candy: food
cassette or cd: CD

Dated one of your best friends? nope
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? huh?
Drank alcohol? not in that sense
Done drugs? nope
Broken the law? not REALLY
Run away from home? no, thought about when i was little though
Played Truth Or Dare? haha yeah...oviously

Kissed someone you didn't know? nope
Been in a fight? ooooo baby, 3rd grade me and frankie lammy raymond
Come close to dying? kinda!!! not really though

The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: waaayyyy too many
What is your bedroom like: perfect
Your favorite thing for breakfast? yogurt w/ granola and coffeeeeeee

talked to: my mom
hugged: my baby cousin!!
kissed: ....
had a serious conversation with: don't remember
befriended: hmm, jess, maybe.

What's on your bedside table?: lots of magazines, tissues, and like 60 books
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? cold chinese food
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: any movie ever...no joke.
If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: ummmm...lypo? haha, no, maybe botox when i'm old, but i can't stand pain
What feature are you most insecure: ugh...everything
Are you a pyromaniac?: haha sometimes
Do you know anyone famous?: not personally, no.
Describe your bed: Its so comfy, lots of pillows and it's just a mattress on the floor- like it better that way
Spontaneous or plain?: SPONTANEOUS
Do you know how to play poker?: of course, who doesn't?
What do you carry with you at all times? chapstick! Pen, cell
How do you drive?: illegaly
What do you miss most about being little?: no history homework
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: there are somethings money can't buy...
What color is your bedroom?: oo its so pretty! Pale green with a purple ceiling and purple ivy painted around the windows
What was the last song you were listening to?: dont rememeber
Do you talk a lot?: WAAYYYYYYY too much
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: LIke myself? Rarely, but i believe in myself more often than not
Do you think you're cute?: only to my grandparents
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?:NO!! I LOVE THEM!
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