Dear well-meaning anti-discrimination residence posters,
You're sweet, and advance various noble ideals, and start off so well in your list of factors people shouldn't discriminate by that form some cute acrostic thingy. But then you throw in "faculty"!
Please do not be like the dear, sweet, wonderful guidance counselor, who may have saved my life
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This was written far too late at night so it is not a masterpiece of clarity. Basically, I think it dilutes the impact of oppression to throw in anything someone has ever been a meanie head about so you can make a cute acronym. I have no problem with "Don't be an asshole to the hundred other people you live in a building with", a nice clear message even engineers can understand ;). I find it... appropriative and flippant, I guess are the right words, to throw in profound social problems as if they were the same sort of issue as individual people being assholes.
I am irritated with whoever originally thought "unjust discrimination" or something like that was too long to say, because "discrimination" doesn't mean "persecution", and my inner linguistic tightass would like to know what exactly grading and having different faculties is if not "discrimination" and grits her teeth when people rail against that. ;)
I am a great fan of the concept of meritocracy and think there are many excellent factors people ought to be judged on. Unfortunately, Stupid Discrimination over things that ought not to mean shit gets in the way of all that.
Yeah, I'd definitely agree with that, and it pans most issues, there's always something that dilutes/trivialises things that ought not to be diluted/trivialised.
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