This is my report on...wait for it...the Lord of the Rings BLOOPERS that Peter Jackson showed at the State Theatre in Sydney this evening.
The funniest one was one with Dom and Billy.
Merry is in bed at the Golden Hall, and has this HUGE erection under the blanket - about two feet long. He says "I was just having this dream about Gimli..." and then Pippin says something like "can I help?" or "Can I look" - people were laughing too much around me to hear properly. Anyway, Pippin lifts up the sheets and slides in beside Merry, and Merry turns over and cuddles him, then waves to the camera and says "nighty night", then rolls half onto Pippin and waves the cameras away again.
In another one, Dom and Billy were in their trailer, half-turned away from the camera, and were comparing their sizes. "Mine's longer than yours" "Mine's a bit thicker" etc. Then they pretend to see the camera for the first time and pull up their pants, saying that they were just practising for a scene, and Dom throws a sheet over a blow-up doll...
In another one, at the coronation scene, Gandalf has a blonde curly wig with little flowers on it and says, "Now is the time of the Queen."
In another one, Sir Ian parts the front his Gandalf the grey robes and has only tighty whities under them - and proceeds to do a little dance.
David Wenham does this thing when standing next to Eowyn at the coronation, behind her back, where he grins at the camera and points at Eowyn in a lacivious way, as if to say "guess what I'm getting later" then, when she looks at him, he is all innocence again, just applauding Aragorn like in the film.
They showed Orlando, over and over and over again, NOT being able to shoot the arrows - they fell down, he put them into the bow back to front, they got caught in his hair, in his cloak, in his fingers. Tears were streaming down my face. It was amazingly funny.
They showed Viggo making faces a lot, and fooling around with Bernard Hill. there were lots of "Fuck"s and a version of the "Green Dragon" drinking song which was just the word "cunt" over and over for several lines...
Sean Bean wasn't in the bloopers - sorry Penny - but he was mentioned.
Gandalf was speaking to Faramir in Gondor, and said, "Well Boromir... (then he realised he had said the wrong name)... is dead. Your brother is dead. This is the third film, and you just have to accept it, I'm sorry."
This is not all of them, but I am sure the report will be all over the internet in the morning.