I guess all normal exchange students spend their free-time partying or traveling. But two nerdy students from Vaasa prefer to benefit from it :-), for example going to excursion...
Today we participated in the excursion arranged by one of the LiU international associations. I'm not sure that we knew what the content of the excursion would be when we bought the tickets. I just heard something that it would be a factory. Cool! I like such stuff! It's a way to touch my old dream to work at a real factory!
Before the excursion we did finally some investigation on the matter. Well, it was waste-energy factory or energy-wast factory. :-) It is not that they waste there energy purposeless, but vice versa. Energy is created from different garbage by burning. So we saw a huge reservoir with wastes, a big bucket took some and moved to the entrance of the oven. The hight (or probably depth is more correct) of the reservoir is around 30 mt. The oven is the same hight. I think the hell looks similar as the oven inside.
This guy, for example, was definitely attracted by flame performance:
And we were just happy that we got hard hats :-)
In my case the aim of such social suggestion was definitely reached. When we came out I promised to sort our garbage more accurately as I knew since then that if I threw away something dangerous in wrong container, it would be burnt and I would inhale it. It impressed me enough.