Apr 05, 2004 11:40
Its finally spring break, so i guess i should write an entry in my *cough cough* free time...yeah right.
Well my show opens wednsday to a sold out house--how scary is that? They named me dance captin--i can call my own rehersals! Maybe i call one just to be mean...lol.
I had an awesome time with Kel Silvano and Curtis last night, we went to the fair and it was FREEZING my hands are sill cold from riding those rides...brrr. In fact going out with those guys was so much fun, i might cry...or not.
I have behind the weel a minute ago...he's never on time. Today he actually called and said i was going to go early, at 11:45 insted of 12:30...so its 11:47 and no show, figures.
Pah! i cant believe we open on the 7th, crazzzzy. We have rehersal tonight from 6 to god knows when.
Oh oh! go see Crazy for You at West end! it was awesome! I didnt really surprise Kel i dont think, but i'm glad she liked her birthday present ;)
Well behind the weel was fun. we went to Mcdonalds and i got a cheese burger, i only drove about 15 mins. but what ever, only 3 more to go!
I had to clean out my Refrigerater, because we're moving! whoop! but now my hands look like prunes yuck.
ok i think i'm going to go watch TV, or start on That book for english since i finished the 4 i bought on friday already. I like Amy Tan, so i hope this one was as good as Joy luck club, thats one of my favorites.
talk to everyone later
I f anyone wants to do something this week, during the day, seeing as i dont have any nights available till July, besides go and ride the big ride at the fair...because its cold..haha.
Ok, i'm done i guess.
oh and sorry for the randomness, this was written over a period of 3 hours...