(no subject)

Jan 08, 2006 15:00

So everyone can stop asking me whats wrong lately, nothing is wrong. i'm not sure why i have been so moody. i'm just really sick of reputations, rumors, and being lectured about how i'm making bad decisions. i know i am being a fuck up for a while, but whatever. i'm tired of being used for shit and sick of people telling me i'm being used. sucks when i care that much about people and figure out it doesnt matter at all. i'm changing back to the old me now! it'll be great. i can go back to being nerdy and getting my good grades. i partied too much over break, it was fun but crazy. the 2nd part of break was wild and i enjoyed it for the most part. got in a big shitty fight with olivia but were better now i think, i hope...love u hun

what really sucks is when you know ur friends are hurting like hell and theres nothing you can do about it. sorry to all of you who are having a rough time, i dont know how to help other than that i'm always here to talk or hang out!

Bridget- i know i never stopped over, i feel bad. i kept getting caught up, its kinda confusing and i have lame excuses but they're true!

All i know is i am not looking forward to tomorrow, its like i was living another life for a while, i was actually enjoying myself and its like reality is gonna come back and slap me in the face tomorrow when i have to drag my ass to school. i hate that place so much, i can't wait until our classes change. but theres nothing i can do about it, i have to go and do good so i guess i'll make the best of it.

youth group tonight, i miss those people actually. we didn't have any yg stuff over break so i'm excited for tonight.

In 2005 I...

[x] ...broke a promise.
[x] ...made a best friend.
[x] ...fell in love.
[x] ...fell out of love.
[x] ...did something I swore I'd never do.
[x] ...lied.
[ ] ...stole.
[x] ...went behind my parents back.
[x] ...cried.
[x] ...disappointed someone close.
[x] ...hid a secret.
[x] ...pretended to be happy.
[ ] ...got arrested.
[x] ...kissed in the rain.
[x] ...slept under the stars.
[ ]...kept my New Years resolution.
[x]...forgot my New Years resolution.
[x] ...met someone who changed my life.
[_] ...met one of my idols.
[x] ...changed my outlook on life.
[x] ...sat at home all day doing nothing.
[x] ...pretneded to be sick.
[x] ...left the country.
[x] ...almost died.
[x] ...gave up something important to me.
[ ] ...lost something priceless.
[x] ...learned something new about myself.
[x] ...tried something I normally wouldn't try & liked it.
[x] ...made a change in my life.
[x] ...found out who my true friends were.
[x] ...made a total fool of myself.
[x] ...met great people.
[ ] ...got a tan.

The year 2005

[P E 0 P L E]

1. Best friends: all of them
2. Best boyfriend / girlfriend: hmm

3. Lost any friends: yeah
4. Gained any friends: yep yep

5. Met a new good friend: sure

[P L A C E S]

1. Went out of the country: yep mexico

2. New school: no
3. How many times on an airplane: never
4. Road trips: hmmm hastings?? oh nvm that was technically 2006
[Y 0 U]

1. Have you changed: people say i have, in a very bad way....
2. New look: not really

3. Any new addictions: im trying to get rid of the one i have
4. Most depressing time this year: ugh this year has been up n down a lot, a lotta sad times but some really good times too! parents thing was depressing and homecoming....
[S E A S 0 N S]

1. Favorite season: summer
2. Least favorite season: winter i guess
3. Good birthday: i cant remember....i think we just hung at my house
4. Any snow this year: yeah but i didnt get the chance to go out and enjoy it

5. Highest temperature: too hott! i was in mexico for part of the summer and it about killed me
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