UPDATE! For real!!

Jun 04, 2010 21:09

Sweet, sweet Jesus! It's been forever, huh? Well, I haven't given up my blog. In fact, I promise I'm going to be posting SO MUCH MORE very soon! I'm just totally swamped as my last 2 weeks of school EVAR are coming up. Yes, in 2 weeks I'll be GRADUATING!

I know, I am still realizing it! It's crazy, but at the same time I am SO happy to be getting out of here! No more school, OMG. Well, that's not 100% true. I'll be going to Animation Mentor soon, but that won't be until September.

Ok, I should give the whole low down. I know it's been a long time since I truly updated... I should go back and check what I said last... but I don't want to. What happened over the last few months is that Russell and I realized our future is in California. It's just where all the jobs are. So he moved down to Yreka with his father to work for him and make money for our move.

It's been one of the hardest things we've ever done. Going from being with the one you love 24/7 to nothing but a phone call each night? It was EXTREMELY rough the first few months. It's only been lately that it's evened out. I wanted him to come visit more like he said he would, and he didn't have the money to do it.

It's hard, and it's sad. But we've hung in there! And he got a job in San Francisco! An AWESOME job! He's working at a start-up called TrustNode, where he was chosen over people who are 20+ years his senior! And he's impressed them a lot! And he's being paid EXTREMELY well!

But, San Francisco is the second most expensive city in America! Seriously, 1 bedroom apartments are usually about $2000/month! So, it's been hard finding a place. Plus, we don't have stellar credit, since times have been so hard.

And times have been HARD. Besides living alone again, I am living on a $100 here and there from my parents who are struggling themselves. It's killing me, because we've always lived such a good life, but the last few years have really drained all of our reserves, and my parents are not doing great financially. I feel TERRIBLE borrowing from them, but they insist that it's what parents do.

And yes, Russell is making big bucks, but he was severely in the hole when he drove down to SF, and he had to spend $ on a hotel for a while, and then his tires went bad... it's not been fabulous.

But things are turning around! I'm graduating, and Russell is getting back on his feet and sending me money, and soon I'll be moving down to join him! My dream of living in California is finally coming true! And life isn't going to be so hard anymore!

Oh thank God!

So, the plan is I graduate, I move down to SF, Russell works, and I relax for a few months. I can't wait! And OMG, it's SAN FRANCISCO!! OMGOMGOMG! There's H&M's there! And Bloomingdale's! And PINKBERRY!! AND DAVE & BUSTERS!!

AND PIXAR!!!!!!!!

Every day Russell rides past it! It's hard to drive past the candy store every day, but as I said to him, it's always going to be there! And we're going to be there soon! OH YES!

In the fall, I'll be going to Animation Mentor online, to really get my chops up and meet real animators, and then after I finish that, they sky's the limit! :D

I am so excited for the future! And as I will finally have some time off, I PROMISE I will be updating again on this blog! (And hopefully getting back to full membership! I mean, after 7 years on here, this is the only time I have not been able to afford a paid membership! It's been sucky.) So I promise to update and post pics, and so much more!

Oh, and have I mentioned I've lost 40 lbs since last year?? OH YES! I bought by first skinny jeans last week! And as soon as I wore them, my friend/mentor/teacher Za stopped me in the hall and exclaimed how I'd lost so much weight! XD I'm 6 jean sized smaller than at Christmas! :D :D

So when I can really afford to go clothes shopping again (in gorgeous SF!) it'll be FUN again!! *struts* Oh hell yes!

The only one I am majorly worried about is Puff, but she'll adjust! And living far from my parents... but we all have to leave eventually, right?

Oh there is so much to do! Russell and my parents want me to chuck most of my furniture and Russ and I will buy new ones when we get there. Did I mention there's an IKEA just 2 blocks from Pixar? Yeah.

So that's what's been going on! I've finally finished up animation on a small film I did this term, and a 7 page paper that was due today, so all that's really left is some extra credit and huge exams at the end. I just have to pass all the classes! I got my cap & gown today, and it's all becoming real!


moving, pixar, russell, california, graduation, real life, school, parents

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