Sorry I haven’t gotten around to posting the stuff people have been lovely enough to write me as of late! But here we go…
artemischan wrote me
some lovely drabbles that I never posted about before. Why? Because sometimes I’m stupid like that. I urge you to check them out-- and perhaps request a few yourself if she’s up for it!-- regardless. She’s also writing the
Mistakes series for a fic exchange. Pregnant sky pirates! Half-crazed emperors! Mad politics! You know you want it. ;)
mithrigil wrote me
something that would make HER Larsa‘s head pop right off his shoulders in surprise. I really should not be so entertained by such an entitled snot of an OC this much, should I?
puella_nerdii done wrote me so awesomely hot and wrong
porn drabbles. Her vision of Older!Larsa and Penelo together makes me swoon, oh yes. ♥
runespoor7 keeps insisting that her
awesomely devious Kabuto/Hinata fic is my fault. As long as she continues writing this well, I don’t mind at all! ♥
sheffiesharpe just finished a mega-ton of the sweetest, happiest, cutest, squee-worthiest drabbles around
here. There is Larsa being adorable with his guardians, Penelo and Larsa trying to help Vaan with a keg stand and more manly bonding than you can shake an airship (yes, Balthier, including yours) at. If ever your spirits need a lift, here’s where to get it!
And of course, if my totally scattered brain has left anything out, please let me know! I live in fear that there’s something wonderful out there that was made for me that I totally forgot of. ♥
And here be some more awesome things you might want to check out.
For FFXII, here be some scorching hot Larsa/Penelo
fic by Threewalls and
art by Digitaltart. It does a body good, y’all. ;)
runespoor7 done broke my heart good with
Upholding Traditions. Good God, I think that last section might have killed me dead. Nobody but nobody does characterization the way she does! ♥
Also, I hope my patient f-list doesn't mind me lobbing them a few questions about Penelo and how much of the politics of the game she's likely to know up to the events of Mt. Bur Omisace...
1) Do you suppose Penelo knows about the Noah/Basch switcheroo that led to Basch being framed for his brother's crimes against Dalmasca? If so, how much do you suppose she knows about the events in question?
I'm assuming she knows at least the basic details about Basch's innocence in the events of Nalbina-- hence, the reason she didn't freak out over the fact that she's being asked to travel with a convincted king-killer. I'm pretty sure she knows that Basch has an evil(ish) twin brother working for Archadia... but is she likely to know said brother is Judge Magister Gabranth? And if so... what are the chances that she'd call him a Punk Ass Bitch? ;)
2) Also, how much do you think is logical for her to know about Vayne? She was suspicious of him from the first and learning that Larsa-- his own brother!-- thinks he's capable of using nethicite on Rabanastre is unlikely to raise her opinion of the man. But will she-- or any of the others of the party that could warn her-- know about his previous acts of fratricide? Would Balthier be able to tell her this information...?
3) Additionally, after the party receives the information that Gramis has been killed from Al-Cid, would it be logical for them (or at least Larsa) to realize that it was Vayne who actually killed the Emperor and not the Senate?
Thanks again for the help...