Oct 11, 2009 22:05
It was a nice, relaxing weekend. I built a larger cage around my fig tree as it had outgrown the one I originally surrounded it with. While the deer don't seem interested in eating the fig tree, I built the cage for protection during the winter months. It gives me great pleasure to grow figs -- as they sometimes cost a buck a piece at the grocery store. I canned green tomato chutney -- using up the last of the garden tomatoes before frost. I have another fig tree to plant. I picked it up while visiting Monticello recently. I will put it against the south-facing wall of the house. Hoping to get it in tomorrow. There is nothing like a prosciutto and asiago cheese sandwich with arugula and homemade fig jam! The last things I have to make from the garden are pesto and jalapeno salsa. Tommorrow evening I will harvest all of that basil and make and freeze pesto. I have tons of basil and plenty of pine nuts and parmesean cheese from Costco. Hopefully I will do the jalapeno salsa on Tuesday. I will continue to harvest swiss chard for a while yet and mache grows throughout the winter.
I am trying my daughter's favorite bread recipe out -- I just made the dough for no-knead multigrain bread. It contains whole wheat flour, rye flour, flaxseed meal, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, barley malt syrup, yeast, whole flaxseeds, salt and water. You let it rise for 20 hours and cook it in a cast iron, enameled pot with a lid. Good stuff, healthy too.
The mini-farm is doing well for us all in all. I still haven't gotten the chickens yet. Soon.