walking around and taking dozens of random pics~ that's me
see the golden plate~ there's one of the few remaining original love hotels~ and it's so ugly I really wanna try it out...
I had to find out what rice-burger means... this: no bread *tasty*
Guten Tag! a passage alongside the river~
on a different note: I am still watching this mama-papa-phenomenon - hm, I could imagine to write something bigger about this~ would need to find somebody for an interview though...
and somebody in Germany should catch up on this entertainer/musician/TV-announcer goes politician-thing because of a hope for environmental change & general dis-approval of the Japanese politics (also the system)
Germany needs 100yen-shops but in € and ticket-restaurants
the heat is easier to manage here than in Germany~ but going by train sucks or rather stinks~
also: cicades are freaking loud! badass crew these bugs~ honestly don't ever try to fall on my head or somewhere else on me! - I scream louder than a Harajuku-girl on a Jet-coaster~ (and I don't even want to imagine a Harajuku-girl or 109-girl on a Jet-coaster~ they are already loud enough on the street...)
oh, I like going by bus in Tokyo but it could be cheaper~
ehm, the self-service fast-food restaurants with service and the service restaurants where you have to pay at the counter are a weird mix of two concepts which doesn't make sense but works nevertheless~
I could bath in Purin (caramel-pudding) - if it wouldn't be that sticky~