First Impressions

Apr 04, 2010 20:22

 Mia: Don't you hate that?
Vincent: What?
Mia: Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order
to be comfortable?
Vincent: I don't know. That's a good question.

Why do I always have to say something very stupid to people I barely know, aka people I've just met?? I just start talking to avoid those silences and it goes off... The next thing I realize is that I am so ridiculous. And how people are supposed to get to know me as intellectual woman of substance?? (it's Bridget in me here speaking)
Totally inappropriate...

P.S. трохи пізно, але Христос Воскрес!!! Це найкраще, що трапилося зі мною сьогодні.... Обожнюю весну і Пасху.

quote, а-ля бріджет джонс, весело, весна

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